
Types of Membership

Membership in the ACJA is open to any resident of Alberta directly concerned with or interested in the field of criminal justice, and who pays the annual membership fee. Be a member for as little as $60.00 per year ($25.00 if a student). For all membership categories and more information,

To become a member of the CCJA and ACJA, visit

For information about membership categories and benefits, visit

Individual members in good standing are those who have paid all required fees annually upon the anniversary of original membership. Individual members in good standing are entitled to:

  • Receive notice of annual and special meetings of the ACJA
  • Vote and participate at annual and special meetings of the AJCA
  • Be considered for election to the ACJA Board of Directors
  • Receive a bi-weekly electronic newsletter from the Canadian Criminal Justice Association
  • Recieve The Justice Report on a quarterly basis
  • Registration discounts for ACJA workshops and the Canadian Congress on Criminal Justice
  • A 20% discount on The Justice Directory of Services

Membership Application

Membership in the Canadian Criminal Justice Association (CCJA) automatically provides an associated membership in ACJA. One or more of the following publications are included as membership benefits, depending on the fee selected: bi-weekly electronic newsletter, The Justice Report, The Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

To be connected with the CCJA website where you can access a secure online application or a printable application form, click below.

To become a member of the CCJA and ACJA, visit

For information about membership categories and benefits, visit